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Motorola Barcode Scanner P460


เครื่องอ่านบาร์โค๊ดสำหรับใช้งานทั่วไป Motorola Barcode Scanner Model P460

The Phaser P360 and P460 memory barcode scanners from Motorola are rugged,high-performance devices that deliver the flexibility you need to realize reduced costs and improved effi ciencies in your business operations — at the point-of-sale, on the factory fl oor or in the warehouse. Designed with accomfortable forward-scanning pistol grip to minimize fatigue in scan-intensive
applications, these batch and cable-modehandheld scanners allow users to collect data while freely roaming the premises.   


รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม: SS_P360460_en.pdf